#1 .HK domain name helps highlight "Hong Kong Brand" and presence in Hong Kong for a business's web address
#2 The .HK domain suffix is convenient and easy to remember. There are no restrictions on registering a generic .HK domain name. The registration is open to any individual and organisation in any location which allows you to easily create a unique and memorable web address, highlighting your brand and products/services in Hong Kong.
#3 Since .HK domain name is popular in the Chinese-speaking communities in the Asia Pacific region and it provides a large pool of available domain names, companies are able to choose their first-choice domain name which represents their business the best
#4 The bilingual web addresses allow a company to cater for local language needs. For example, a business can register a Chinese .HK domain name for the Chinese-speaking community together with various English .HK domain names for other English speaking countries for the price of one
#5 High quality 24/7 hotline support is available for businesses to access anytime
#6 A free service is exclusively available for .HK customers, such as QR (Quick Responsive) code generating service, enabling customers to instantly access companies' websites and email addresses over smartphones, further helping explore potential online mobile markets